Youth Art Prize 24

This is a preview of the Youth Art Prize 24 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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General Information


Entry to the 2024 East Gippsland Youth Art Prize is free. All entrants must live, work or study in the East Gippsland Shire Council and be aged between 12 and 25 years at the time of entry.

If this registration form is received after the due date, it will not be accepted, and the applicant will not be eligible to participate in the Youth Art Prize.

Only one entry per person in each category will be accepted. An individual may submit different works to multiple categories in their age group, however individuals will only be eligible to receive one first prize in their age group across the Youth Art Prize 2024 Program, $250 in total.

A registration form is required for each individual work submitted.


Entries Open:                                    Friday July 5, 2024

Entries Close:     (Extended)           Thursday 24 October 2024, 5:00 PM

Announcement of Winners:            Mid November (Date TBC) 2024 5:00 PM                

Youth Art Prize Exhibition launch:  Mid November (DATE TBC) at the Forge Theatre Gallery Space until the end of January 2024            

Late entries will not be accepted

Artwork submitted must be the entrant’s original work and not a reproduction of already established work.

Entrants acknowledge that they are aware of and have abide by copyright laws.

File sizes must be no less than 200k, maximum size 2mb, no less than 640 pixels, maximum 2500 pixels.

EACH file MUST have the entrants name and title of work

Artwork will be displayed in the #BraveArtsEG   #EGFreeza and #Youth Voice of East Gippsland Facebook pages.


There are 3 age groups and 3 categories. Each age group and category winner will be awarded $250 first prize.

To be eligible to win in the following categories and age grouping

  • Digital Media/Photography/Film
  • Visual Arts - Painting/Drawing
  • Physical 3D Works
  • Indigenous artwork

 Age groups

  • 12-15 yrs
  • 16-20 yrs
  • 21-25 yrs           

 Assessment criteria: -

  • Presentation:  how well you present your artwork submission
  • Description of work + creative process.
  • Technical skill displayed by artist

All artworks shall be judged but the organisers reserve the right to withhold any work considered unsuitable for general public display.

The judge’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.

Winning entrants from each section will be announced at the Exhibition Opening on: Wednesday 18 September 5:00 PM at the Forge Theatre Gallery Space.


An Exhibition of Artworks will be held at the Forge Theatre Gallery Space, 80 McKean Street, Bairnsdale.

If we are unable to hold an Exhibition opening selected artworks will be on displayed on the BraveArtsEG Virtual Gallery.


Artworks can be dropped off to any of the East Gippsland Shire Council business centres during business hours by the closing date of

Friday 5 September 2024, 5:00 PM.

Please nominate the Office where you are dropping your artwork off at in the application form.

Please print a copy of this entry form and attach it to the back of your artwork when you drop it off at the East Gippsland Shire Office you have nominated in the registration form.

Entry of artwork to the competition constitutes the artist’s permission for competition organisers to reproduce the work without fee for the purpose of promotion, in print and electronic media.                                                                                                                

Sponsored by the East Gippsland Shire Council, BraveartsEG, #East Gippsland Youth Ambassadors and #East Gippsland FReeZA